Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2-11-08, Part II

We have been busy “chewing” on the document from Greece. We’ve shown the document to our family doctor, the doctors and nurse practitioner connected directly to Doug’s cancer treatment as well as our oncologist/hematologist friend not connected directly to Doug’s treatment. We didn’t want to start taking supplements in mass until we received clearance from Doug’s kidney doc and his oncologist/hematologist.

The kidney doc pulled one supplement (Rhodiola and Ginseng Complex). The oncologist said he had received the document from the alternative medicine clinic, looked at it yet couldn’t validate anything from a lab with which he had no connection. However because Doug’s over-all numbers are so good all he asked was that Doug take the nutritional supplements two-three hours before taking his chemo drug which he takes orally at bedtime. As it turns out the final supplements are scheduled to be taken with the last meal of the day which we usually eat by 5:30 or 6 p.m.

In the Greece lab they isolated Doug's malignant cells using “Oncoquick” with a membrane that isolates malignant cells from normal cells. Then they developed more than 41 cell cultures to which they added various nutritional supplements and chemo drugs. We have the report which includes those which worked to inhibit or kill Doug's cancer cells and those which do not. It is in a consistent language, the technicality of which I’ll spare you. What works in Doug’s blood is highlighted so we don’t have to plow through every detail.

Of significance is that Thalidomide (the chemo drug which Doug has taken since November 1st) worked the best to “inhibit and induce Doug’s cancer cell’s death but cannot induce the invasion activity of the cancer cells”. From the very beginning we have known that only the bone marrow transplant will wipe all cancer cells out—and then only for an unknown time period as this type of cancer is not one that can be taken out via surgery nor have they yet found a cure. He will have a better quality of life afterwards.

The report also included 5 other “options” of chemo therapy that would work for Doug, some less toxic than others and only one other that is covered by our insurance.

Of greatest value to us is the knowledge of those supplements that the cultures indicate would or would not impact Doug’s cancer cells and therefore gave us some informed direction.

While it would be impossible for the lab in Greece to test every supplement on the market today (as you’d know if you’ve been in a natural “food” store lately) I’ll give you a just a few examples of what did not show any impact on Doug’s cancer as per the Greece testing: Acai berry, Mangosteen (Xanthone), mistletoe, grape seed supreme, curcumin (turmeric), aloe vera extract, Echinacea, green tea extract, ascorbic acid (as in IV vitamin C), hydrogen peroxide (which we understand is given IV--Yikes!!!!), to name a few. The document also indicates that Doug’s cancer cells do not respond to hyperthermia or radiation.

Based upon the finding in Greece the doctors at the alternative clinic also eliminated the need for green fruit drinks, the need for a coffee enemas 1-2 times/wk when not on chemo, etc. etc. much of this and those in the above paragraph suggestions we’ve been given by others wanting to help by sharing what they have known to have worked on others with cancer.

The flip side is that several other supplements tested worked well enough to kill or at least slow the cancer cells activity anywhere from 15% to 45% within the culture. These, along with Thalidamide, are the ones we’ll focus on-- as well as those known through clinical trials and observation by the doctor’s at the alternative clinic to create cell health in the good cells damaged by the toxic treatments required for cancer treatment. Having this information has eliminated our need to act in panic, grab at anything someone suggests or to wonder if we did everything possible.

We are to notify the alternative clinic if Doug receives any new prescriptions or any new chemo drugs. They will monitor for compatibility. During the bone marrow transplant Doug will have to eliminate all supplements. The window of time for their use to build Doug up for that procedure is now.

Doug’s oncologist and kidney docs base their time of referral for his bone marrow transplant on his blood and urine chemistry. The time is right to begin that process. Doug has been referred for the initial consultation with Dr. Collins who heads the bone marrow transplant center at University of Texas Southwest Medical Center in Dallas. We have much to learn of what is ahead of us.

The good news is that, according to Doug’s oncologist, Doug has 1/10th of the cancer cells he had when he first began treatment. Maybe I mentioned that before but that fact is worth repeating. This is the reason why Doug has felt well enough most days these last two weeks to return to work part-time. PTL! He's in his office (or a committee :-) again this week.
