Monday, January 14, 2008

Weight Watchers

Last Monday Dr. Mandell gave Doug what he called a “vacation” from the chemo drugs. He also changed the prescription we use if Doug gets any pain during the day. While Doug is not eager to stop the progress of his treatment he did look forward to getting a reprieve. The physician’s goal for stopping chemo for a week was to try to enhance Doug's level of energy and quality of life. Doug was also told he needs to regain some of his lost weight which will make him feel stronger. We went home to eat lots of calories.

Each day this past week we'd wake up hoping that something BIG was going to change in how Doug felt—especially as it concerned reduction in his fatigue and increase in his level of stamina.

I cooked up all sorts of calorie laden meals. I did good things like juiced vegetables to counteract his anemia and bolster his immune system. I also bought things at the grocery store that I haven’t allowed in the house since I became a card carrying, lifetime member of Weight Watchers.

Doug ate three big-for-him meals each day as well as one or two smoothies I crammed everything into. I’m talking some type of protein such as Ensure plus protein or Boost with protein or tofu or whey. Sometimes I combined several proteins within the same smoothie. I also added flaxseed oil, wheat germ, half-n-half or whole milk, frozen or fresh fruit. I always added banana and topped it off with ice cream or sherbet depending on the flavor because cold smoothies taste better!

Today at our weekly visit the medical assistant put Doug on their scales as per usual. He lost another pound. She didn’t weigh me but I weighed myself this morning. I gained 5 pounds!

So today one of our topics of discussion with the nurse practitioner and later with Dr. Mandell was why isn't Doug gaining when his appitite is good? They gave us all sorts of suggestions not the least of which is that Doug has tremors and that his shivers eat up calories. That is why he is weak.

Doug told them he felt his shaking is due to one of the medications for pain. Regardless of the reason he has been told he must eat more food and more calories.

I asked if in the blood chemistry they had ever checked his thyroid levels. They said that was a good question and the answer was no they hadn’t.

That got them to thinking that since Doug’s appetite didn’t increase even when on two different steroids at the same time there could be a second thing going on within his system. They will look at the blood chemistry this week with his thyroid in mind.

We won’t get the results back from the blood test until later this week. If it is his thyroid, according to them it will be easy to “fix". If it is his thyroid I’m going to take the credit for identifying this part of his dis-ease and sign up for medical school!!!

Doug did walk around the circle that is our cul-de-sac Friday and Saturday and on Sunday we went the length of one block. Today after Doug's doctor appointment we stopped at the grocery store to get buttermilk and anything else that looked good and fattening to Doug. They are ordering some physical therapy for him and not returning him to the chemo drugs until they review his blood results mid-week.

I came home and unearthed my Weight Watcher’s notes. I must use self-control and not eat everything I fix for him. Today at the grocery store I purposely didn’t buy the flavor of ice cream I like best.
