UTSouthwestern Medical Center. Dale, our social worker, chemo nurses Debbie and Fatima, medical technologist Natalie from the blood bank and Pastor Gina shared this special moment with us. As the first of two stem cell bags was hung for infusion back into Doug's body we each had a copy and responded in kind to the following:
Blessing of the Gift of Cells
Rev. Doug Kilcher
CHAPLAIN: We come today to celebrate a new beginning.
Any new beginning stirs up many feelings within us.
ALL: We feel afraid and anxious about the unknown, but at the same time we feel excited and hopeful as we look forward to new possibilities.
CHAPLAIN: The cells we bless today, Doug, offer new possibilities for your healing. We give thanks to Carole, for her gift of love and companionship to Doug as he takes this journey of life. These cells from your own body are an amazing gift from the Creator of all life.
ALL: Thank you, Great Creator, for this gift of life and for this transplant as a means of using this gift of healing.
CHAPLAIN: Loving Creator, our understanding Friend, we come bringing all our fears and hopes to you as we bless these cells for Doug's healing.
DOUG: Today I receive these cells with profound gratitude and hope.
CAREGIVERS: Doug, may you feel our hope and love supporting you, bringing you renewed energy and hope.
CHAPLAIN: May Divine Love and Wisom "be healing to your flesh and marrow to your bones" (Proverbs 3:8). God of all love and grace and healing, bless these cells for Doug's healing according to his deepest needs of body, mind, and spirit. May Doug feel your power flowing through every cell, bringing a new day of health and joy and creative energy.
ALL: Loving Creator and Friend, come with us now on our journey into the new. Lead us forward with your vision of abundant life, and help us to continue to become all you created us to be in your divine image, now and forever. In the Name of Jesus Christ.