Today marks the 12th day of hospitalization for Doug. The rocket has not taken off yet.
Doug did ask the doctor if he could switch from a liquid diet and have soft food today. That is progress!
The doctor changed the order this morning but the noon tray was the same-o-same-o-liquid "diet". The gal from the kitchen said they'd check the order and bring up another tray.
I had to come home to do some laundry. When I returned I found there had been no second tray. As part of my job description as his caregiver I made sure the nursing staff understood his desire for soft food this evening!!!
Tonight they brought in his dinner tray: a breaded pork chop, mashed sweet potato, rings of yellow squash, a white roll and chocolate cake. Sooooooooo I marched back to make another point. When he was admitted to the hospital they asked if he had any dietary needs. At that time he noted he was a vegetarian and alergic to peanuts.
They apologized for the oversight and said they'd bring up another tray of soft food as soon as the rest of the trays were distributed.
The next tray had a soup bowl size portion of white rice, a baked potato, a side dish of cottage cheese and oh, yes, a "health shake".
I can't wait to get him back home to feed him colorful soft food!