(If you haven’t read “the procedure” read that first or this post will not make as much sense.)
Friday morning after they had taken Doug to x-ray for his procedure I was left alone in his room—or thought I was at the time. My reserves were down. The previous night at home alone was one of my most vulnerable times for discouragement. I’m not proud. I was tired. I had tears in my eyes after I kissed Doug good-bye.
Then she came in. Green scrubs, blue gloves, spray bottle and mop in hand. She excused herself and said she was there to tidy Doug’s room. She stopped, looked me straight in the eye and said, “Honey, you look worried. He’ll be fine. We don’t let any negative thoughts be up on this floor. He’ll be fine! We are all praying ‘fools’ up here”.
I learned her name was Bridgett. She grew up in Germany. I asked her about her faith and how she became a “praying fool”. She told me that in Germany you are either Catholic or Protestant and that she was Protestant but it wasn’t until she came to America that the Baptists really socked it into her. She told me she doesn’t really attend any church regularly because she has to work.
She said, “I don’t work two jobs because I’m pretty.” When she gets done at the hospital she works nights at Baptist Theological Seminary (in Fort Worth). Her house is a mess and she needs money to fix it up. She knows the Lord will provide if she if faithful to Him.
(Note: all this time she is cleaning!)
Bridgette: “Honey, I don’t know all the Scriptures but I know this one. When two are gathered in my name, I’m there with ‘um. Sooooooo I’m here. You’re there. That’s 2 aint it? So God is here. You just claim that because I have. I tell that to my patients all the time.
“I’ve worked here 14 years and 98 percents of my patients go home. Some even come back looking for me showing their numbers and that the cancer is all gone. Then we have a big group hug. Imagine. Me. I’m just a cleaning lady.”
Carole: “No Bridgett, you are not just a cleaning lady. The Lord knew I needed you at this very moment. You have ministered to me in a way He knew I needed you. You could have been cleaning someone else’s room down the hall.”
Bridgette: “Now when I start talking about God I can’t stop. But then I don’t get my work done so I better finish up. But don’t give your negative thoughts over to the devil. That ‘ol ‘dip stick’ is going to get his butt kicked real soon and he’s out to discourage anyone he can. I won’t let him at me. I don’t just ask him to please leave me alone. I don’t say get away from me. I COMMAND him to get the hell out of my presence—excuse my language but that is where he’s headed anyway. I’m just a housekeeper but I’m here to claim healing for all my patients. It sure isn’t the money. I pray for each one on this floor every night. Now I don’t remember all their names but I reason that He does (points to the ceiling) and that’s Who matters. Your man is a good man and God needs Him too. I’ve gotta go. Just call Bridgette if you need me. I’ll be around here all day.”
Just a cleaning lady? Just a housekeeper? Not by God’s standard. Not by mine either!