Thursday, December 20, 2007


We spent most of yesterday (Tuesday) in the emergency room. Doug had been having high fever, chills, and dizziness that the oncologist was treating as a viral infection with an oral antibiotic. Due to its non-effect on the symptoms after a long enough period of time, we were sent for a “work up” at the emergency room.

I read to him for 5-6 hours as the many tests were run. X-rays showed a type of pneumonia that medical personnel had not heard in Doug’s lungs or back, including the E.R. physician. When I asked the E.R. physician about why it can’t be “heard” as congestion he smiles and said, “That is the problem. Not everything in medicine goes by the textbook.” I thought about that as it parallels life. Not everything goes how we think or even plan it should go….

Doug was then admitted to the hospital for treatment they can only do in the hospital. Before I left him that night he was feeling so much better he said, “It feels like a switch was flipped to the on position!” That is what I admire about Doug. He is always thinking positive because my witness was that he was feeling about as bad as he has ever felt since contracting this disease.

We know that with cancer hospitals are equipped to care for these unexpected interruptions better than I am equipped to care for him at home!!! So while I hated to kiss him good night there, I know it is for the best and he’ll be returning soon. Knowing that Christmas is coming and most hospitals want to rid themselves of as many patients as possible, I don’t expect him to be there long. Our kids from New York will be here this weekend.

I am requesting no visitors at this time and appreciate your continued support and prayers.